There’s no need to go through the back and forth hassle of missing each others calls. I’ve created a streamlined approach to scheduling:

Just click the request appointment tab and you can schedule a consultation in less than 2 minutes online. Here’s how the process works:

1. Go to the (request an appointment tab) and schedule an Intake (In-Person First Time Introduction Meeting). For clients who prefer virtual appointments instead, schedule the (30 Min. Virtual Introduction Meeting) for others with immediate questions simply fill out the contact form.

You can schedule an intake by clicking the request appointment tab. Its a 40 minute no hassle, in person relaxed conversation where I provide an overview of the therapeutic process with you, and your rights, & responsibilities, as well as the nuts and bolts of treatment. It’s an opportunity for you to interview me to determine if we are a good fit and for me to answer any questions you may have regarding treatment. (Free of charge to clients- 45mins)

2. After the first visit, Make an appointment for an Assessment

So, after the introductory meeting is completed. I’ve provided an overview of services and answered all of your questions so that you understand the protocols of treatment. You’re feeling good, relaxed and know that now it’s time to schedule an assessment which I call an information gathering appointment. It’s an opportunity for you to tell your story, your way, and allows me to understand some of intricacies or problems you’ve been facing. (120 minutes)


3. Transition & Treatment Planning

We arrive for our third appointment which is an extension of the assessment. I provide results of the assessment/evaluation and screening so we can discuss how to proceed in treatment. We also discuss your strengths, needs, abilities and prognosis at this point. Typically around(45mins).

4. Sessions Begin

We’ve agreed to treatment, and the areas to to focus on so we proceed to therapy sessions.

5. Continued/Maintenance Sessions

Maintenance therapy follows. We’ve treated the initial situations you were facing so every now and then you decide to come in for a follow up/maintenance appointment. In life, things just come up. I’m here for those things as well. :) All appointments can be scheduled online.

6. Transition to Discharge

Whether it be 3 days, 3 months, 3 years or 30 years, at some point we decide to discontinue services. During this appointment we discuss how treatment has been for you, expectations and feelings regarding discontinuing services and we formulate an after care plan.

For medical referrals or individuals discharged from outpatient or inpatient providers fax documentation to 539.302.5659 and schedule follow-up/intake appointment online. Look forward to speaking with you soon.