All About Play Therapy:)

Help them Dream.

During a play therapy session, the child works with the clinician in a room where there are therapeutic toys sometimes referred to a play room. The toys are also referred as therapeutic tools. Then the child is asked to explore some toys that are age-appropriate. When the child is allowed spontaneous expression through play, they may pick up toys that indicate their emotional states, or draw something to share their challenges.

Allow them to Build.

Expressive play therapy focuses on healing and strengthening individual children. Play is naturally a child’s first language. Many children have difficulty with expression of emotion. It is through the play that a special therapeutic relationship is formed, and the therapist helps children to accept their emotions, develop trust and confidence, and improve their behavior.

Foster their Growth.

Through play, children are able to feel free expressing themselves. They also are engaged, which creates an opening of exchange between themselves and the clinician to take place. Soon, children learn more helpful behaviors, while understanding their emotions, and gaining insight about resolving inner conflicts. They also learn self-control, self respect, problem solving, communication skills, and are able to modify problem behaviors.